I put together a little project for the Gloria Film Festival's 7-day Film Challenge. They gave out topics for a film, and all the teams had 7 days to write, film, edit, and hand in a short film based on the assigned topic. Our topic sounded like a fortune cookie, but it made for a fun script.
Our topic was "He who finds discontentment in one place will not likely find happiness in another."
Based on that, I wrote a script with my cousin Stephen, and he and I put together a short film. We didn't use any professional actors, just family members and my next-door neighbor. We didn't even use any lighting. We just put this together in easy, cheep, speedy mode and had a lot of fun.
The film is on the web at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=55654389498225429&pr=goog-sl
If you'd like to see the other entries from the same contest, they will be screening as part of the opening night festivities for the Gloria Film Festival next Wednesday, August 16. You can get tickets on the Gloria Festival's website.

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